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Opera strikes licensing deal with Adobe

Adobe Systems Inc. will include the cross-platform rendering engine from niche browser maker Opera Software ASA of Norway in its future products using the Macintosh and Windows operating systems, Opera announced Tuesday. "Our SSR (small-screen rendering) technology was particularly important to Adobe," said Live Leer, a spokeswoman for Opera. "Users would like to create pages that work in many different devices and platforms; SSR allows for that." Opera's SSR technology takes a Web page written in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and reformats it to fit on a smaller screen, eliminating the need to create code pages in special languages.

"The big difference now (with Opera inside of Adobe products) is that application providers can test Web and mobile pages within the program itself, whereas before they had to launch an external application," Leer said. Leer declined to specify the terms of the licensing agreement between Opera and Adobe, in San Jose, California. Adobe products including the Opera rendering engines will be released as early as this year, she said. Representatives from Adobe could not immediately be reached for comment.

News source: InfoWorld

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