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Site News: Hoax News Stories and Neowin Q3 Tournament.

I want to take a few minutes with you guys to comment on the news submissions that we have been recieving of late. I have come across several people "faking" links and therefore news stories. Today's llama of the day prize goes to "Brendon" aka IceBlue for this ridiculous story claiming that Xbox is DOA in europe and Japan as well as microsoft completely abandoning the console in the states due to "poor sales".

Although this one had me going for about 30 seconds, its a trick that was done recently in the infamous microsoft "RTFM" exploit wherby a html page can be routed via another domain but stored on another server.

The main point here is PLEASE DO NOT TROLL THE NEWS SUBMISSIONS. We recieve a ton of news mail every day without fake news stories that just waste time whilst they are checked for accuracy.

Moving away from news stuff for a sec we will also be arranging another quake 3 tourney sometime this month, and we'll be giving the details for this in the next few weeks. We may also do counterstrike but ONLY if you guys can help find a suitable server which can support at least 32 folks. If you have any suggestions for this or any other neowin projects e-mail me as always at ross@neowin.net.



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