Stardock released their popular desktop wallpaper management application, DeskScapes, into Early Access on Steam today. DeskScapes allows users to manage and apply both animated and traditional desktop backgrounds with seamless access to cloud-based computer wallpapers.
The newest version, DeskScapes, builds on the successes of all the versions that came before it and adds several highly desired features, including seamless cloud integration for downloading and sharing backgrounds, cycling playlists, and many new special effects.
"The new version of DeskScapes is compelling both for animated and standard wallpapers," said Brad Wardell, CEO of Stardock. "For fans of animated wallpapers, we include DreamMaker Pro, which is both powerful and easy to use for creating or enhancing desktop backgrounds. We also added seamless integration to cloud-based services for finding desktop backgrounds."

DeskScapes is designed to extend the Windows built-in desktop background manager to support features such as adding custom directories for backgrounds, fast searching, timed playlists, playing videos as backgrounds, online cloud integration, similar background search, additional scaling and sizing options, advanced multi-monitor customization, colorization, wallpaper filters, scheduling and more.
The included DreamMaker Pro tool is designed to make it easy to create animated backgrounds. It includes dozens of different effects, drawing tools, brushes, logos, particle effects, and much more.
With DeskScapes, users will be able to:
- Create animated backgrounds using pictures and video
- Explore different customization options including drawing tools, brushes, logos, and particle effects
- Customize backgrounds with dozens of special effects
- Share creations easily via seamless cloud integration
- Browse thousands of backgrounds from within the app
- Add backgrounds to a cycling playlist
- Display system resources or add a clock directly to the desktop background

DeskScapes is now available in Early Access on Steam for $2.99 (special early access pricing). The beta is also currently available through Stardock's Object Desktop suite. For more information, you can also visit the Stardock release announcement.
Object Desktop includes programs such as Fences, Start10, Groupy, SoundPackager, DeskScapes and Multiplicity.
Disclaimer: Neowin's relationship to Stardock
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