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TweakFX - the ultimate Windows tweaker!

TweakFX is a configuration tool for Microsoft Windows based systems. It can change hundreds of system and 3-rd party application settings which are not usually accessible through the operating system UI, or are very deeply hidden.

Compared to the hundreds of so called "tweakers", TweakFX has some interesting key features:

TweakFX is plugin based

Generally, a plugin is a small program which "plugs" to a bigger one and extends its functionality. Usually, one of the main characteristics of a plugin is that almost everyone with a programming experience can create it, even if he doesn't work in the company developed the "big" program. Creating a plugin for TweakFX doesn't even require any programming experience! Thus, TweakFX is in constant development.

TweakFX just works. And you know how!

Ok, we saw that everyone can extend the functionality of the program with these plugins. Here comes another plus -- plugins are open source. They are designed as a simple Web pages opened into the build-in Web browser. If you are curious what do they do -- you can simply open them in Notepad and see!

Apply all settings to a number of computers

When you change some setting(s), TweakFX can save what you've changed as a registry entries file (.reg) and you can easily re-apply the setting(s) onto another computer without having to install TweakFX. Also, in the .reg file, Tweak FX will save the old setting value for you -- so later on, you can discard your changes.

Manage remote systems

TweakFX provides an additional server program -- you have to run it once on a remote computer, and knowing its IP address, you can easily connect to it and manage it just like you are used to managing your system.

Download: TweakFX | 994 KB

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