The UK's Department for Transport's (DfT) official website (dft.gov.uk) was found to be streaming not safe for work (NSFW) pornographic content yesterday. While not the entire site itself, an abandoned Charts section (URL: charts.dft.gov.uk) of the website was serving this kind of adult content.
Moreover, when this issue was still ongoing, The Crow also noticed that visiting the DfT site (dft.gov.uk) would present a password protected WordPress login page for EU hauliers. BleepingComputer captured a screenshot of this:
Most probably it seems the site's security was breached somehow and some roguish entity had taken control of it since it seems pretty unlikely that someone at the UK DfT would do this on purpose.
A DfT spokesperson offered the following statement to BleepingComputer:
A disused, dormant page of the Department for Transport’s Gov.uk website has been used
No information or data has been lost or compromised. The website address has since been permanently deleted.
After officials took notice of the issue, the problem was fixed and trying to access the Charts section of the DfT's website will redirect you back to the homepage.
Source: The Crow via BleepingComputer | Images: BleepingComputer
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