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Asus says Jake the PEG a feature, not a cheat

Earlier this week motherboard manufacturer Gigabyte accused Asus of cheating. Claiming that Asus's Peg Link Mode "Clandestinely overclocks the frequency of memory and core engines of ATI based PCI Express Graphics". Today Asus has issued a statement regarding its competitor's statement. Asus says its Peg Link Mode "is a unique feature that enables users to boost graphics card performance for superior video quality". It's still pretty much in the air who's right at this time, but money is on Asus.

Motherboard maker Asustek said that its PEG (PCI Express Graphics) link mode, competitor Gigabyte described as "a cheat" earlier this week, is really an outstanding feature that makes its competitors "marvel". Asus said PEG "is a unique feature that enables users to boost graphics card performance for superior video quality".

The P5AD2 Premium and P5GD2 Premium Asus mobos "received unparalleled testing reviews from world renowed IT media", said Asus. "Many competitors marveled at how the two new Asus motherboards achieved such excellent results," Asus continued in a press statement. "Marvelled" isn't exactly how Gigabyte put it. It claimed that PEG Link Mode "clandestinely overclocks the frequency of memory and core engines of ATI based PCI Express graphics".

View: Gigabyte accuses Asus of cheating

News source: The Inquirer

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