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Contentteller Community Edition 1.0.0 RC3

The third and final release candidate of Contentteller is now available. Contentteller is a powerful open source content management system written in the PHP scripting language designed for sites of all sizes and types. The free Community Edition is licensed under the terms of the GPL v3.

Key features:
* Powerful but simple to use
* Search engine friendly out of the box
* Support for multiple websites
* Caching for high traffic websites
* Import and update everything from RSS feeds, POP3 email accounts, news servers, PAD, and CompatDB XML files
* Powerful template and style system
* Integration with 3rd party applications such as vBulletin 2.x - 3.7, UBB.threads 7.x, phpBB 3.0, MyBB 1.2/1.4, SMF 1.1/2.0, and IP.Board 2.x
* Optional Windows installer to install Contentteller without the need of a FTP client.
* Fully extendable with modules
* Available as full install with 20 modules or as lightweight (lite) install with content/news module
* Import module available to import data from Storyteller CMS, WordPress, VirtuaNews, and Pligg.

Download: Contentteller Community Edition 1.0.0 RC3 (Open Source GPL v3)
Screenshot: Admin control panel
View: Change log
Link: Homepage

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