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iPOD: where will it stop ?

iPOD ... I don't think a single day goes by without an article about the innocent player from Apple to be published. In 2001, iPOD revolutionized the music industry, hard-disks and took Mac sales with 5% higher on the desktop market. But how much of this success is because of the player's technical characteristics and how much is because of marketing? iPOD has undisputable advantages: it's easy to use, has a high capacity (it was the first player with a hard-disk), has an innovative design and the list could go on.

Critics say that is heavy, fragile compared to other flash players, with a limited number of functions compared to the capacity of the hard-disk, lacks a FM tuner and again the list could go on. The controversy can go on for days, but after all the technical issues are exhausted, iPOD supporters will bring the final argument: good or bad, iPod has 85% of the MP3 player market and what's more, since 2001 no company succeeded in dethroning it.

View: iPOD: where will it stop ?

News source: Softpedia.com

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