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MandrakeSoft ordered to drop trademark

A judgement against the Linux distributor could force the company to stop using its trademark and surrender its domain names, pending an appeal. (Uh-oh... -Ed)

A French court has decided against Linux distributor MandrakeSoft in an intellectual property dispute with US-based Hearst Holdings and King Features Syndicate, holders of the rights to the comic-strip character Mandrake the Magician. This move could force the software company to surrender its trademark and domain names and to pay 70,000 euros (£47,000) in damages to the US companies.

However, MandrakeSoft will be allowed to continue using its name and Web site addresses for the time being, while it appeals the 13 February decision of the Paris tribunal de grande instance. The company said the appeals process could continue for another three years.

"By appealing the case, we suspend these prohibitions and can continue to use our trademark as well as our domain names," said MandrakeSoft chief executive François Bancilhon.

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News source: ZDNet News

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