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Microsoft answers EU antitrust charges

Despite complaining this month that it wanted more time, Microsoft Corp. filed its response to European Union antitrust charges just before the deadline expired, an EU spokeswoman said Monday.

"We've received the reply which we will now be reviewing," said Amelia Torres, antitrust spokeswoman at the European Commission.

Neither Microsoft nor the EU would comment on its contents.

The EU gave the U.S. software giant an extra two weeks to rebut the latest charges that it was illegally trying to extend its dominance with Windows operating systems into markets for servers and multimedia players.

Microsoft, which had been seeking a longer extension, expressed disappointment early this month at the decision, but said it would "work hard to meet the new deadline."

The 4-year-old case is expected to result in fines, which could reach about US$3 billion, as well as possible orders to disclose more of its prized software code to rivals and change how it sells Windows software. There is no deadline for a decision.

News source: CNN

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