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Microsoft consolidates Server map

Microsoft Corp is today expected to announce strategy and product details for its messaging and e-business servers focussed on increased security and reliability, simplified collaboration and web services development.

Redmond, Washington-based Microsoft executives will officially open the company's Exchange Conference (MEC) 2002 in Anaheim, California, detailing plans significantly affecting the company's BizTalk Server, Commerce Server and Content Management Server products.

A roadmap will be announced for phased integration of the servers with each other and other Microsoft products, and the products' componentization. Componentization should mean users do not need to install a full version of a particular server and - instead - can pick only the features they want.

Microsoft is also expected to lift the lid on improvements to the next version of Exchange server, code-named Titanium. Improvements include radically improved management and server consolidation, and an XML-based API, XSO exposing Titanium to third-party developers.

The biggest shake-up, though, is in Microsoft's emerging e-business server platform. E-business server lead product manager Dave Wascha declared Microsoft's intention to componentize and integrate the products, called the Jupiter family, with componentization scheduled for the first half of 2004.

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News source: The Reg

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