Thanks to Ironman273 for catching this one.
So, want to play some Street Fighter II Super Emo Turbo Edition on the PC against n00bs on the Xbox 360? Well this might be the day we've all been waiting for. It seems Microsoft has (or will) announce very soon a new Windows Vista only gaming service currently called "Panorama" and this service is essentially nothing more than Xbox Live Arcade for the PC. Not only will PC users be able to partake in the wildly popular Live Arcade goodness against one another, but PC users shall finally have the honor of laying the smack down on our console brothers and sisters in multiplayer gaming on said service. Oh, the funs time are a coming.
All kidding aside, speculation has been growing since before E3 that Microsoft was working on this sort of thing. Indeed Live Anywhere was announced many months ago, and this is just a logical extension of that. What good would having Vista Live without Vista Live Arcade so we can microtransaction ourselves into oblivion?! This is obviously an evil plan by Microsoft to get every PC user addicted to spending (insert Live points here) for 1 sweet new Battlefield 2 map! In any event, this is pretty big news for us PC gamers. Xbox Live users have had access to Live stuff for years now, and soon PC users can join in on the fun. I for one as a loyal PC gamer look forward to this initiative by Microsoft. Hopefully most PC gamers will accept it as well.
Now where is my PC version of Geometry Wars?
(Sorry for the Xbox Live logo, I couldn't find any other logo to use for this one.)
News source: Shacknews
Link: Neowin Forum discussion
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