It is almost time for another Rainbow Six Siege Operation, and Ubisoft today gave a look at the fourth and final seasonal update coming to the tactical shooter in 2021. Titled High Calibre, the major update will be bringing in another new Operator, a map rework, plus quite a few new features and reworks to existing systems.
Starting with the Operator, Thorn drops into the Defending side with Razorbloom Shells. These mine-type gadgets can be stuck to the environment, where they wait for a passing enemy to trigger a deadly explosion. There is a warning before the detonation, so a quick reaction shot can take out the gadget before that.
Thorn is also coming equipped with a brand-new weapon being added to the game: the UZK.50GI, a powerful submachine gun that can rip through destructible environments. Meanwhile, the season's map rework is hitting Outback this time, a relatively new arena. Check out the developer video below to both have a look at refreshed map layout as well as Thorn's gadget usage and counters.
At the same time, Finka is getting a minor rework with the Adrenal Surge no longer removing recoil when triggered, and its cooldown is now doubled to 20 seconds. However, with the ability Finka can now revive herself as well. Camera wielding defenders are getting nerfs, with any camera placed outside the map only lasting 10 seconds.
High Calibre's other features include major quality of life changes to the user interface of Operators. On the HUD. the compass has been changed completely to increase readability as well as show marked locations and give height feedback. An extremely helpful counter that shows the number of drones destroyed is also available to Defenders at all times.
Team colors can be configured as well, with blue, red, and orange options available. Blue for allies and red for enemies are the defaults, with colorblind accessibility options coming later. Text prompts are being replaced by easy-to-read icons, and the developer is focusing on offering more HUD customization options.

With all this and more, Rainbow Six Siege Operation High Calibre is set to hit the test server on November 9. It will stay there until Ubisoft deems the update ready for live servers, which could take several weeks.