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Snapchat announces cash prizes for AR developers, discount for Spectacles

Snapchat Challenge Tags rewards program

The social media company Snap Inc. has announced new perks, such as cash prizes for AR developers and special discounts for students and teachers using its platform and hardware.

Snapchat has introduced a rewards program called Challenge Tags for AR (Augmented Reality) developers. The company explained in a blog post that developers can participate in active challenges to create Lenses based on given themes and win cash prizes.

The company has partnered with the AR marketing platform Lenslist, allowing developers from over 100 countries to participate in the rewards program. Snapchat is currently hosting its first Challenge Tag with the theme "humor," which will be open through January 31.

Here, the developers are tasked to create the "funniest Lens possible" while keeping in mind it has to be their own idea. The humor challenge will award $2,500, $1,500, and $1,000 to the first, second, and third places, respectively, from a pool of $10,000. There will also be 20 honorable mentions, each getting $250 when the winners are announced on February 14.

Snapchat said it will bring new challenges each month. AR developers can register for each challenge, use Lens Studio to build the Lenses and apply the Challenge Tag in the Lens publishing process to be considered. Snapchat notes its platform has over 375,000 AR creators, developers, and teams from almost every country.

The company has also introduced educational pricing for its AR smartglasses Spectacles. Students and teachers enrolled or working at accredited institutions who want to test and build for Spectacles can avail of a special discount on the Spectacles Developer Program.

Users eligible for the special discount can get the subscription at $49.50/€55 per month, which includes one Spectacles device. They can apply to the program using a .edu or educational institution email address.

The discounted developer program is available in several countries, including the US, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Austria, and the Netherlands, and requires a minimum 12-month commitment.

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