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Yahoo Outlook Highlights Value for Microsoft

Yahoo's release of its financial outlook was designed to pump up investor confidence in the company as it seeks to stave off an offer from Microsoft. But will it backfire? Yahoo March 18 said it expects to double cash flow over the next three years to $3.7 billion and post sales of $8.8 billion in 2010. TechCrunch pores over parts of the 35-page presentation here.

Equities analysts such as Citigroup's Mark Mahaney cheered the news, calling it a positive development in the wake of rising recessionary fears of weakness in online advertising. He also suggested the plan, in which Yahoo hammers home the value of its brand, 477 million worldwide users, display ads and Yahoo Search, cash flow, and earnings potential, further underscores why Microsoft needs to buy the company to flip its Internet fortunes.

View: The full story @ eWeek

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