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Yahoo7, ReelTime service live in days

YAHOO7 and ReelTime have overcome a dispute that has delayed the launch of ReelTime's internet movie service across its portal. ReelTime managing director John Karantzis hosed down speculation that its partnership with Yahoo7 was on the rocks, saying that the internet movie service would be available from the TV network's joint-venture portal "next week". The new service will allow internet users to legally download movies and some television programming from Yahoo7's portal. Yahoo7 and ReelTime announced their partnership late last year.

Negotiations between Yahoo7 and ReelTime ran into problems over the type of services that ReelTime would include in the deal. ReelTime had planned to offer a broader range of movie services from its www.reeltime.tv portal than it had included in the deal it struck with Yahoo7 last year. ReelTime's portal offered a "download-to-rent" and "download-to-own" movie service. The download-to-rent service lets consumers purchase rights to download and view movies. The download-to-own service lets consumers purchase rights to download and keep digital movies that can be burned onto DVD and played on other media devices including Microsoft's Xbox.

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News source: AustralianIT

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