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PSPad is a programmers editor with support for multiple syntax highlighting profiles. It comes with a HEX editor, CP conversion, text differences, templates, macros, spellcheck option, auto-completion, and Code Explorer. The program is pre-configured for the most popular programming languages (VB, C++, SQL, PHP, ASP, and Python) and you can further customize the syntax settings.

PSPad features:

  • work with projects
  • work with several documents at the same time (MDI)
  • save desktop sessions to later reopen all session files
  • FTP client - edit files directly from the web
  • macro recorder to record, save and load macros
  • search and replace in files
  • text difference with color-coded differences highlighted
  • templates (HTML tags, scripts, code templates...)
  • installation contains templates for HTML, PHP, Pascal, JScript, VBScript, MySQL, MS-Dos, Perl,...
  • syntax highlighting according to file type
  • user-defined highlighters for exotic environments
  • auto correction
  • intelligent internal HTML preview using IE and Mozilla
  • full HEX editor
  • call different external programs for different environments
  • external compiler with output catcher, log window and log parser for an "IDE" effect in every environment
  • color syntax highlight printing and print preview
  • integrated TiDy library for formatting and checking HTML code, conversion to CSS, XML, XHTML
  • integrated free version of the top CSS editor TopStyle Lite
  • export with highlight to RTF, HTML, TeX format to file or clipboard
  • column block select, bookmarks, line numbers, ...
  • reformat and compress HTML code, tag character case change
  • line sorting with ability to sort on defined columns and drop duplicates
  • ASCII chart with HTML entities
  • Code explorer for Pascal, C/C++, INI, HTML, XML, PHP and more in development
  • spell checker
  • internal web browser with APACHE support
  • matching bracket highlighting
  • ...(many more features, too numerous to list)

PSPad changelog:

  • Compiler - if you run compiler and not Catch program output is selected, compiler window won't be hidden
  • Code explorer - ESC closes Code explorer. Removed.
  • parameter Statusbar functions require DblClick instead of SingleClick (Program settings / Program 2) has influence of the top editor ruller behavior too.
  • ASCII chart - new button CP as editor - this buttons sets content of ASCII chart into same CP as current editor window. Note, that ASCII chart works with singlebyte encodings only, not with UTF-xxx
  • Regular expressions - library based on Perl syntax was replaced with library supporting PCRE syntax
  • New user highlighter for ASAR assembler (David Wilson)
  • Computer suspend - FTP is disconnected.
  • Computer suspend - new modified files are saved in %Temp%\PSPad\Resume folder
  • TeX code explorer shows \head
  • User highlighter - added HEX number attribute
  • TeX highlighter - added block comments --[[ ]]-- and \starthiding \stophidding. Each comment has different attribute and allows you set different color. As "operator" attribute you can color for \if++, \if+-, \eif, \efi
  • menu Edit / Special conversion between text, URL, QuotedPrintable, Base64 fully supports unicode. UTF-8 is used for char presentation
  • Find in files dialog was changed from modal to normal. It allows let dialog open and edit files together
  • Favourite window contains new section - script. You can add script there by selecting from drop down list
  • User highlighter definition - added block comment for Autoit3 - #cs ... #ce
  • New PSPad command line parameter /F or /FR (as alternative -F or -FR) will start search on open file. /F for normal search, /FR for search with regular expressions. Syntax: pspad "path\file" /F "search expression"
  • PSPad remembers column with of Name, size and modified for File explorer and FTP
  • User friendly message when you try compare file with selected file from disk in case both files has different encoding
  • Insert text to lines - added "Apply" button, so you can use this function several times without leaving dialog
  • FTP connection list - added folder functionality
  • New option in Program settings / Program 1 - Don't change Toolbar icon size when monitor DPI is changed
  • Insert text to lines (Alt+I) - added step for numbering, added labels
  • New action Open favourite (Shift+Ctrl+A) for easier access to favourite tab in left panel. Panel is selected and tree with favourite is focused. You can move cursor and open file or run tool with Enter.
  • Handled exception when Recent.INI file was marked as ReadOnly
  • Editor window - Ruller - with high DPI was column numbers high above the ticks
  • Open file from internet (menu File / Open special) - function doesn't detect code page
  • Char case change doesn't work with cyrilic letters
  • 64b version ends with exception, joined to store recent files
  • TextDiff drop box was invisible when you drag file over PSPad if left panel was switched off
  • User highlighter dialog wasn't possible close if no editor window was open
  • crash on PSPad exit
  • XML Code explorer
  • handled exception when closing PSPad x64
  • handled exception when several PSPad instances was closed at once and all instances write file state in same time
  • Program Settings / KeyMap - problem drawing with scrollbar (only some group and languages)
  • if main PSPad window was maximized, minimized and open file from outside, PSPad wasn't restored as maximized
  • ASCII chart wasn't translated after language change
  • Python highlighter - search for matching bracket if bracket was in string
  • Highlighting URL in text doesn't respect two dots - something..html
  • in case PSPad was set as StayOnTop, some dialog window appear behind the main window
  • FTP connection - duplicate connection ends with message "Connection already exists"
  • problem with editor window name when you open many small files at once
  • HEX editor - search in HEX - if you paste search string from Excel, you got info that text contains non hex chars (Excell adds line break)
  • HEX editor - undo after bytes rewriting
  • HEX editor - find/replace when switching from text and back
  • reduce Windows flicker when you restore PSPad from minimized to maximized state
  • HEX editor - paste text into HEX part, copied from external source (e.g. Excel)
  • fixed behavior when PSPad is minimized to Tray icon
  • Code explorer fix after new regular expression library implementation
  • HEX editor copy/paste in text part
  • System integration into context menu for limited user
  • ASCII chart - Print button changes label when Coda page was changed
  • exception when bigger amount of files was closed one by one

Download: PSPad | 7.4 MB (Freeware)
Download: PSPad Portable | 8.0 MB
Links: PSPad Homepage | PSPad Extensions

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