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PSPad is a programmers editor with support for multiple syntax highlighting profiles. It comes with a HEX editor, CP conversion, text differences, templates, macros, spellcheck option, auto-completion, and Code Explorer. The program is pre-configured for the most popular programming languages (VB, C++, SQL, PHP, ASP, and Python) and you can further customize the syntax settings.

PSPad features:

  • work with projects
  • work with several documents at the same time (MDI)
  • save desktop sessions to later reopen all session files
  • FTP client - edit files directly from the web
  • macro recorder to record, save and load macros
  • search and replace in files
  • text difference with color-coded differences highlighted
  • templates (HTML tags, scripts, code templates...)
  • installation contains templates for HTML, PHP, Pascal, JScript, VBScript, MySQL, MS-Dos, Perl,...
  • syntax highlighting according to file type
  • user-defined highlighters for exotic environments
  • auto correction
  • intelligent internal HTML preview using IE and Mozilla
  • full HEX editor
  • call different external programs for different environments
  • external compiler with output catcher, log window and log parser for an "IDE" effect in every environment
  • color syntax highlight printing and print preview
  • integrated TiDy library for formatting and checking HTML code, conversion to CSS, XML, XHTML
  • integrated free version of the top CSS editor TopStyle Lite
  • export with highlight to RTF, HTML, TeX format to file or clipboard
  • column block select, bookmarks, line numbers, ...
  • reformat and compress HTML code, tag character case change
  • line sorting with ability to sort on defined columns and drop duplicates
  • ASCII chart with HTML entities
  • Code explorer for Pascal, C/C++, INI, HTML, XML, PHP and more in development
  • spell checker
  • internal web browser with APACHE support
  • matching bracket highlighting
  • ...(many more features, too numerous to list)

PSPad changelog:

  • Tab color is applied to the tab you call context menu
  • Set bookmarks by selection (menu Search) - sets unnumbered bookmarks to the begin and end of selected text
  • Interactive code clips - window respects high DPI settings
  • Color selector - height of color cell is higher for high DPI settings
  • Select text inside bookmarks (menu Edit) - select text according to nearest bookmarks above and bellow the cursor
  • Ruby - multiline strings
  • Project settings, Highlighter settings / Compiler, Tools settings - added possibility to set log encoding (OEM, ANSI / UTF-8)
  • First time run localization isn't taken from system, but from user OS localization
  • Autocomplete includes first bracket - new option in Program settings / Editor 2
  • New program actions aDOSFormat, aMACFormat, aUNIXFormat. It allows change line ends format in scripting, allows to assign shortcut
  • Sessions (File menu, Toolbar button) - PSPad remembers last session. Last session is selected in Session manager, last session is marked in menu items with star icon
  • New version check was moved into separate thread - it doesn't delay program start
  • Left panel - you need to keep CTRL when you want to undock Window as protection for unwanted undocking
  • Add Accent marks function works on selected text. Till now always on whole text
  • Search/Replace dialog - optimization - when you start with confirmation and answer Replace all, following replace process skips all drawing and will be lightning fast
  • Undo and Redo optimized for big change number
  • Exception - added support to send report for mail clients without Simple MAPI support
  • TextDifference - fixed in 64 bit version
  • Hex Editor - fix for 64b version
  • If dark skin was used, the content of help was unreadable (black font on dark background)
  • Search/Replace - in some cases cursor appear out of editor area
  • Open big file without running PSPad - wasn't possible to confirm dialog with keyboard
  • Runtime error after PSPad is closed
  • Code explorer - if docked in left panel, left panel always appear after start
  • Program start toolbar flickering
  • About program dialog with dark skin closes PSPad
  • Search broke highlight same occurences
  • Undo/Redo doesn't refresh editor state
  • Exception when a large number of files are open when starting the PSPad
  • Catch tool output from Link panel
  • User Highlighter - fix for case sensitive languages
  • Lot of fixes joined with skins and drawing
  • When first file tab was active when program was closed, it wasn't activated with next start
  • Autocomplete text color problem when Windows skin is set with dark color scheme
  • Ruby - section #{ ... } in string and string end
  • FTP - file list icons was too smal for high DPI
  • 64b ends with "program stopped working" message in some cases
  • Ruby highlighter - class method was highlighted as label

Download: PSPad | 8.2 MB (Freeware)
Download: PSPad Portable | 8.9 MB
Links: PSPad Homepage | PSPad Extensions

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