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Elite Force 2 Babes Trailer

To celebrate the release of the game, Activision has issued a new Star Trek Elite Force 2 video, offering a humorous look at the babes in Ritual's FPS sequel.

After the triumphant return of Captain Janeway and crew to the alpha quadrant, the Hazard Team, Voyager's elite security detail, is assigned its deadliest mission yet – duty onboard the Federation's renowned flagship, the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701-E. As the leader of Starfleet's latest rapid response force, players will encounter a relentless onslaught of enemies including Star Trek staples such as the Borg and Romulans as well as several never before seen alien species.

Set in the Star Trek: The Next Generation® universe, Star Trek Elite Force II allows players to break out of the confines of ship bulkheads and spacestation corridors to explore all new locations including alien worlds and zero-g environments. New and more powerful weapons will be at the player's disposal and branching levels offer a more varied gameplay experience.

News source: Gamer's Hell

Download: Eilite Force 2 Babes Trailer (21.8Mb)

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