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Neowin - End of 2001 round-up

The whole Neowin team of posters have contributed to a mini-article on some of the more important events surrounding 2001. Articles have never been a strong factor on Neowin so be kind LOL. We most likely left out alot, so feel free to comment and add to what we have missed, all in all 2001 was a good year for Neowin and that counts -for me. Snip below:

Excerpt: Well bear with us as we take you through some of the events that hi-lighted through 2001, This year saw Neowin really take off at an incredible rate, first started in October 2000 we saw our ups and downs this year as we jumped from host to host and then finally ended up getting sponsored by Hosttyme in August.

2001 was the year of XP and for Mac users; OSX. All in all a good year for the X at any rate. With our coverage of XP at the beginning of this year we were able to give in-sight into this new OS that effectively merged the 9x and NT code base.

View: Neowin End of 2001 round-up

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