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Sonique ALPHA 29-03-02

Thanks Bits for this. A pre-release version of Sonique2 is now available for public consumption. It is being called an Alpha release to reflect the fact that Sonique2 still has a ways to go before it will be ready for release. This release is intended as sort of a preview of coming attractions - a teaser of sorts. It is also a way for us to kick off the availability of updated builds as we will be making available to the public periodic builds of Sonique2. Alpha builds are buggy, unsupported and unfinished. Install them at your own risk.


  • You can now change your skin or your language repeatedly without restarting sonique2!
  • Changing languages multiple times doesn't crash the font server anymore.
  • OnDestroy is no longer called twice for windows and their children.
  • Added a handful of translations. Thanks to everyone who has sent in translations. If you have a translation you want to add, send it to info@sonique.com.
View: Sonique 2 ALPHA Page

Download: Sonique 2 ALPHA 29-03-02

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