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An initial signal indicating that Apple's success with iTunes may soon attract hackers has emerged, according to security firm Trend Micro. A new worm, WORM_OPANKI.Y, is circulating online. It poses as an iTunes file and...

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Emails claiming to contain video clips of terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden are likely to be example of a new computer worm. The Famus-F worm normally arrives in the form of a bilingual English and...

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Greetings, fellow Neowinians! I've recently joined the staff here at Neowin as a newsposter. Some of you may have seen other news submissions or forum posts from me as "WishX". Just a quick introduction to...

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An e-mail disguised as a message from Microsoft's security team contains a dangerous Trojan horse called Xombe. Xombe, also known as Trojan.Xombe, Downloader-GJ and Troj/Dloader-L, was being distributed on Friday. It poses as...

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Alex Salkever posits With iChat, Who Needs a Phone? in his latest Byte of the Apple column for BusinessWeek Online. Salkever doesn't think that iChat AV will replace the phone specifically, but talks in broad...

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