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Watch guy cut his feet off on the net

While coming into work this morning, I read in the free newspaper that is given out on my public transportation system, this story.

A guy on the internet wishes to broadcast live, the cutting off of his feet.

Prepare yourself for an adventure like you have never before experienced. In an unprecedented event... LIVE via webcam access... you can watch me amputate my legs with a homemade guillotine on October 31st!

Yes, you read that correctly. Now you may be wondering what kind of demented website you have found. People read the words AMPUTATE and GUILLOTINE and automatically freak. What I am doing may be a little untraditional but that doesn't mean this is some kind of freak show. I just want to run again.

View: CutOffMyFeet.com Paul Morgan's (aka Freck) web page

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