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AuthPass 1.9.10


AuthPass is a secure and open source password manager for mobile and desktop. It is compatible with the kdbx format from KeePass, so if you have already have an existing password file it is easy to reuse it. You can also use AuthPass on one platform and another kdbx compliant application on Windows or Linux. All passwords in AuthPass are fully encrypted. Your passwords never leave your device unencrypted and are always stored encrypted. Make sure to remember your password as it is not recoverable.

AuthPass key features:

Fingerprint Unlock

  • Store master password in the KeyStore/KeyChain secured with biometric data. (Fingerprint, Face Unlock, etc.)

Password Auto-fill for Android

  • Hook into native APIs for seamless integration into Form-Fills. (Only available on Android right now)

Cloud Sync

  • Easily keep your passwords synchronized between all your mobile and desktop devices. Using Google Drive, Dropbox or WebDAV (NextCloud, OwnCloud, etc.)

Secure your passwords

  • Load/Decrypt kdbx using password and/or key file.
  • Search through stored credentials.
  • Organize passwords using groups.
  • Desktop (Mac, Linux, Windows): Keyboard shortcuts for Search, Copy, Navigation, etc.
  • Desktop & Mobile: Copy & paste support.

AuthPass 1.9.10 changelog:

  • Fix WebDAV Support

  • Android: Fix autofill popup background color in dark mode (on some devices).

Download: AuthPass 1.9.10 | 13.5 MB (Open Source)
Links: AuthPass Website | Android | iOS | Screenshot

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