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RocketCake 5.3


RocketCake is a free web editor for creating responsive websites. For beginners and professional web developers. No programming needed. No need to learn any HTML or CSS. Just click, drag'n'drop or type. But of course, you are still free to mix in your own code, if you like. Edit the website as it appears on your device. Switch at any time to view and editor it as on any other tablet, PC or mobile. Rocket Cake has built in support for all important HTML elements: image galleries, slideshows, resizable containers, stylish buttons, gradients, HTML 5 video, audio, and more.

Clean Generated Code

  • The editor spits out clean HTML/CSS code. You also can use it as base for your more complicated websites or template for your server scripts.

Breakpoint Editor

  • Specify your own break points to adjust the website just as you like. The flexible break point editor makes it extremely easy.

Professional Edition

  • There is a professional edition with the option to insert custom CSS, HTML, JavaScript, PHP code, user-defined breakpoint code and premium support.

RocketCake 5.3 changelog:

New supported device types

  • Apple iPhone 15
  • Apple iPhone 15 Plus
  • Google Pixel 6
  • Samsung Galaxy A12

New downloadable components

Sidebar Menu

  • Shows an animated sidebar menu when the user clicks onto a button with a smooth transition effect.
  • Menu entries can be added and deleted when selecting the outer "Sidebar control" container in RocketCake. Entering the text "-" creates an empty entry in order to be able to group entries nicely.

Search Engine

There is now a search engine component available for download from the component download page:

  • Simply put the component on a page and it will let your visitors search your whole website. This doesn't use any index, so it is only fast for small websites.
  • Note: This search engine will return results from all pages in your project, no matter if they are password protected or not.
  • You can exclude pages from the search by entering them in the list of excluded pages.
  • You can adjust the font and design of the result page by formatting the text "The search result will be displayed in here." - this text won't show up on your website.

Simple Age Verification

  • A simple age verification component to ask wether the user has a certain age. If clicked yes, the popup is removed for the whole website. If no, the user can be redirected to a special page. If you click click "Yes", the popup won't appear again. For testing, to make it appear again, remove the local storage key "ageConfirmationOverlay" under Application -> LocalStorage in the developer tools of your browser, or just delete and clear all browser settings.

Simpler Property values editing

  • The property window doesn't need pressing ENTER after changes anymore. Clicking into another window now will commit your changes by default. [full release notes]

Download: RocketCake 5.3 | RocketCake 32-bit | ~20.0 MB (Freeware, paid upgrade available)
Download: Portable RocketCake 64-bit | Portable RocketCake 32-bit
Download: RocketCake 5.3 for macOS | 24.2 MB
View: RocketCake Home Page

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