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Electronic Arts Restarts 'Majestic' Online Game Restarts

Thanks to Scuba by email

Update : to previously posted article

Electronic Arts Restarts 'Majestic' Online Game

Electronic Arts, the largest US videogame publisher, said on Tuesday that it would restart its popular online game "Majestic" after suspending it for a week due to the WTC (World Trade Center) attacks.

Majestic is a role-playing game centered on murder and corporate intrigue that has strong interactive elements. Game players occasionally get recorded calls from actors posing as game characters, who are sometimes frantic.

E.A. suspended the game after the attacks, which destroyed the landmark Twin Towers of the WTC and also a section of the Pentagon, leaving 5,500 missing or dead, over concerns that those calls and other elements could be desturbing.

News source: email

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