Google Trips is a service that organizes trips and reservations for users and finds new areas for them to visit. The service stopped working for iOS and Android in 2019, although some services continued as part of Google Travel.
Now, the company has shared a notice on its website mentioning that trip summaries will be unavailable from May 1. The notice read:
Trip summaries won't be available anymore beginning May 1, though your travel reservations may still appear in other Google services. To save a trip summary, click or tap on the "Share" button.
Here is a screenshot of it:

However, at the moment, the service is still be available in some areas such as India.

Trip summaries provided users with information sorted chronologically, such as previously visited places, hotel stays, and flight details. Additionally, it suggested other destinations for potential trips based on the user’s previous reservations and searches. Users could also review details about their upcoming trips like flight departures, confirmation numbers, and more.
While Google is shutting down this option, there are still ways to check travel reservations in other Google services like Maps. As 9to5Google mentions, users can access this information by going to the Trips tab from the Your Timeline option on Google Maps. While the facility gives a similar round-up of the trips, the chronological aspect is missing. Users can also, as the note suggests, save a trip summary by emailing it to themselves from the “Share” option.