Did you know that Microsoft has a website where you can download various cool wallpapers and other design-related things? The microsoft.design/wallpapers website hosts multiple wallpaper collections, and it just received a new one to bring some freshness to your desktop in 2025.
The new collection is called "Fluid Textures." It was created in collaboration with George Stoyanov, a 3D artist who also helped other companies with wallpapers, such as Xiaomi and Apple. Fluid textures feature several backgrounds with a focus on "soft florals, fluid textures, and light-washed organic forms."
Our first wallpaper release of 2025, created in collaboration with @georgestoyanov_ , steps into a world of soft florals, fluid textures, and light-washed organic forms. Transform your desktop into a canvas of modern elegance today 🎨.
— Microsoft Design (@MicrosoftDesign) January 9, 2025
đź”—: https://t.co/GLu0JBspTq pic.twitter.com/wR082JyOrY
Each wallpaper is available in dark and light variants. If you want to make Windows switch them automatically on schedule or sunset/sunrise, you can use free apps like Windows Auto Dark Theme or WinDynamicDesktop—Windows 11 still cannot change themes on schedule (come on, Microsoft), so some help from third-party software is required.
Here are just a few wallpapers from the collection:

You can download the complete Fluid Textures wallpaper collection here.
Speaking of wallpapers, a bunch of early Windows 11 wallpapers were recently published online with details about Microsoft's planning to implement dynamic wallpapers on the lock screen and desktop. Check those concepts out and download static wallpapers here.
Also, Microsoft's recently announced Windows 365 Link mini PC comes with a pair of unique Windows 11 Bloom wallpapers. You can get them in high resolution here.
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