Microsoft has unveiled its new editor in Outlook 2016 for Mac, promising "enhanced formatting support", which it says is among the most frequently requested improvements among its users.

The revisions and enhancements aren't exactly groundbreaking, but they'll no doubt prove useful for many users. One example is the addition of resize and rotation handles to images that are inserted into an email. Advanced size and positioning options are also available.

The new editor also introduces richer formatting options, including...
...a richer set of fonts, font colors and bullet and numbered lists—plus enhanced font editing and hyperlink dialogs. These are available on the ribbon by using the familiar controls in the Message tab or using the menus for Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, Notes and Signatures.

Microsoft says that the new features "will roll out in mid-May", so there's not too much longer to wait until they become available. It promises that it will "continue to refine the editor in upcoming releases", including adding support for tables.
Source: Office Blogs (Microsoft)
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