Microsoft is halting sales of its emotion-reading technologies and will also restrict access to its facial recognition tools. The company may be bolstering its stand against EU and U.S. privacy laws.
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In a landmark judgment, the city of Portland banned the use of facial recognition technology by government as well as private agencies. A penalty of up to $1,000 a day can be claimed for violations.
IBM has announced that the company will no longer be selling facial recognition services and has called for a national dialogue on whether the systems should be employed by authorities at all.
Microsoft is launching an investigation into a firm it funded in the summer of its alleged use in the West Bank. Microsoft said such use of the technology would go against its ethical principles.
Setting a US precedent, the city of San Francisco is set to ban the use of facial recognition technology by local agencies and mandate the city's approval for new surveillance technology purchases.
Google Photos on the web is starting to suggest face merge for duplicate photo groups created for the same person. Before this update, merging duplicate groups was a somewhat manual activity.
Microsoft has appealed to the U.S. government to appoint a commission to regulate facial recognition technology, laying out various concerns that come with its proliferation among consumers.
The iPhone X isn't cheap, and with FaceID it can be unlocked by simply using your face. Now, Apple's Craig Federighi has explained what to do prevent your iPhone X from being unlocked in a robbery.
Yum China is letting its customers pay and order at its new KFC-inspired KPRO restaurants by using facial recognition technology and a 3D camera that needs people to smile in order to identify them.
The South Wales Police deployed vans with facial recognition cameras into major public spaces ahead of the UEFA Champions League final, in order to identify known culprits and prevent crime.