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Intel readies WiMax chipset

Intel's next-generation chipset for WiMax devices will support either fixed or mobile versions of the wireless broadband technology, and all the equipment vendors that have adopted the company's current product plan to use the new one, Intel said Monday.

WiMax is designed to deliver speeds comparable to wired broadband over distances of several miles or more. A version designed for stationary use is already on the market, and the WiMax Forum is expected to start certifying products next year that let users stay connected while moving. The mobile standard, called IEEE 802.16e-2005, is already completed. Code-named Rosedale 2, the new chipset is shipping in sample quantities so equipment makers can develop products while Intel continues its own testing, said Yung Hahn, general manager of Intel's WiMax products division. He expects the chipset to ship in volume starting in December.

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News source: InfoWorld

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