Microsoft is working to restore the recently removed Mica effect from its browser. Before version 111, Edge allowed users to enable "eye candy" on the tab strip, making it slightly translucent and colorful (the strength of the effect would depend on the wallpaper). Although Microsoft has not explained why it removed Mica from Edge, it appears the effect may soon return in an improved form.

u/Leopeva64-2 spotted the new Mica variant in the latest Microsoft Edge Canary builds. The browser applies the effect to its entire page, including the toolbar and sidebar, creating a more unique and beautiful design. The implementation is currently very buggy and undercooked—it randomly disappears and leaves parts of the UI with the old solid background. Unfortunately, there is no way to enable it manually, so Edge Insiders must wait for the company to start rolling out the change once it gets more stable.
The updated Mica treatment is not the only visual change coming soon to Edge. Microsoft also plans to add the Acrylic effect to the browser's flyouts, such as History, Downloads, Favorites, etc.

All these cosmetic improvements are part of Microsoft's upcoming major Edge rejuvenation. The company announced it a couple of months ago, and you can already test some of its bits in preview channels, such as Dev and Canary.
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