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Power BI Community round-up for February highlights 'Triple A' events and more

Last week, Microsoft brought new features to its Power BI Mobile service, with focus on increased user control. Earlier this month, a new Export-To-File API was introduced to the data analytics service, as part of the Power BI APIs .NET SDK v3.

Now, the tech giant has published a round-up of all major Power BI Community-related occurrences in the month of February. The highlights for last month revolve around community-based events, blogs, and more.

As reported in October, Microsoft launched a new webinar series for the Power BI Community, with the first part being dubbed 'Triple A'. The reason for this was that all three live community events under this part of the series were to be hosted by Power BI team members whose first-name initials began with 'A'. The series was kicked off by Senior Program Manager Amanda Kofsky, continued by Technical Fellow Amir Netz, and finally wrapped up by GM of the Intelligence Platform Arun Ulagaratchagan last month. You can check out the recording of 'Ask Arun Anything' here. Those who missed out on previous events can view them here.

Moving on, there were some major changes in the Super Users department, with 37 more being inducted into the program for Season 1 of 2020. In addition to this, a tiered recognition system was also initiated in February, with ranks that will be coming later this year. There were a bunch of community-written blogs last month that you can read more on here.

The Power BI team also hosted a 'Better Together' T-shirt design contest in February, sporting the Power platform motto "Powerful Alone. Better Together". The contest will continue till March 22, which is when submissions and voting for the best T-shirt design will be closed. Microsoft's Design team will then be picking a final winner.

That wraps up February's highlights for the Power BI Community. To keep up-to-date with community-related news, you can subscribe to the relevant section here.

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