On Tuesday, Apple released iOS 10 for many of its mobile devices, but it wasn't an entirely smooth process. Within hours of its rollout beginning, the company issued an apology after complaints mounted from irate customers whose upgrades had failed. Apple admitted that there had been a "brief issue with the software update process", which it quickly resolved.
But now another issue has arisen, and it looks like Apple is going to need a bit more time to sort this one out.
T-Mobile is warning its US customers that if they own an iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus or iPhone SE, they should avoid upgrading to iOS 10. The issue is causing severe problems for owners of these devices, which are apparently unable to hold a stable connection to T-Mo's network after installing Apple's latest OS update.
Both the T-Mobile account, and that of its CEO John Legere, referred to the "iPhone 5SE", even though no such device exists - there's an iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, and iPhone 5c. It appears the handset they're referring to is the 4-inch iPhone SE that Apple launched earlier this year.
T-Mobile's Chief Technology Officer, Neville Ray, made the same mistake:
Ray's tweets offered a bit more information about the problem. He noted that Apple is aiming to deliver a fix within 48 hours, and suggested a temporary fix: "restart your phone every time you lose connection".
Source: @TMobile
UPDATE: They said it might take up to 48 hours, but the issue was fixed much, much quicker than that. T-Mobile has confirmed that the problem has been resolved, and is inviting iPhone SE, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus owners to upgrade to iOS 10 when they're ready. You can find out more here.
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