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No sooner had the news that Microsoft and Yahoo! were no longer talking hit the web, the follow-up emerged. The much rumoured deal between Yahoo! and Google has been announced and sealed. Expanding on the...

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Bidding has reached $18.55 billion in the U.S. Federal Communications Commission's record-setting auction of government-owned wireless airwaves, covering five separate blocks of spectrum in the auction. The FCC is keeping bidders' identities secret until the...

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The United States has reached a deal with the European Union, Japan and Canada to keep its Internet gambling market closed to foreign companies, but is continuing talks with India, Antigua and Barbuda, Macau and...

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Mac OS X 10.4.8 Reaches Beta

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Apple is working hard to deliver the next Mac OS X system update for Tiger. Developers report that an initial pre-release build of Mac OS X 10.4.8 has begun circulating. The release is described...

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Mozilla Corp. announced yesterday that its Firefox browser had surpassed 100 million downloads since its release roughly one year ago. The company stated that the figures have exceeded expectations since the release last November....

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Other milestones are close to be reached aswell, as Mozilla's open-source mail client ThunderBird is nearing on its 10 millionth download, and Minimo, the browser for small devices had its first prerelease version with tabs,...

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A security flaw that could let an attacker remotely crash computers running Windows exists in several versions of the operating system, not just Windows XP. Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server...

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Citing the rapid adoption of Linux in the enterprise, security software company McAfee Inc. is broadening the reach of its Entercept host intrusion prevention technology to the Linux platform. The company's Entercept for Linux release...

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Ubisoft announces Ghost Recon 2 Summit Strike for Xbox; August release will include new missions, multiplayer maps, and weapons. Fresh off of being part of one of the center stage games for...

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Apple Computer Corp. agreed Friday to a revised deal that will place laptop computers in roughly one-third of Maine´s public high schools this fall, Education Commissioner Susan Gendron said. "I´m absolutely delighted," said Gendron, who...

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NCsoft has announced that City of Heroes has reached 180,000 users in North America after being on retailer shelves for three months. "It's an amazing run by City of Heroes," says Brian Woods Executive Vice...

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After a long journey, America Online has landed at "Tahiti." Code-name for an updated version of the AOL 9 Optimized client software, Tahiti is being distributed to customers through AOL's worldwide network of marketing...

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Afghanistan is being rebuilt with the help of the Linux operating system. The United Nations is training civil servants in the intricacies of the software to help them get government computer systems...

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Thanks to our own youm0nt for this piece of news. Western Digital today announced that it is shipping its next-generation 80 GB-per-platter technology, which will produce PC hard drives that can store up to 250...

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