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Microsoft Flight Simulator Alpha update around the corner, more invitations being sent out

Last week, Microsoft released Alpha v1.2.5 for the latest entry in its Flight Simulator series. The update brought a host of new content along with a bunch of tweaks and fixes across the board.

This time around, the latest Feedback Snapshot was expected to be posted, and Microsoft has delivered in that regard. However, there is also further news in the form of an upcoming update to build, as well as more to report on the SDK front.

via speedwoblz

For starters, the next Alpha update is noted to be released in the next 2-3 days. In terms of new content, the Airbus A320 - pictured above - will be added to the game. It doesn't look as though there is much more arriving in that regard; however, technical fixes that will be be made in this build will be posted by the Flight Simulator team once the Alpha update has actually been released.

There is also some good news for those vying for a place in the current Alpha participant line-up. Microsoft has started sending out invitations to further users, now that general work on last week's build has been wrapped up. People who registered early for pre-release build testing are being prioritized in this invitation process.

Moving on, a different form of Feedback Snapshot has been released this time around. Previously, Microsoft has released versions to Insiders first, followed by these becoming generally available a few weeks later. As such, v3.01 was unveiled a couple of weeks back and it was expected that v4.01 would be released to Insiders now. However, the firm has instead opted to release an updated version of v3.01 that showcases the progress made on the components mentioned in the denoted Snapshot. More specifically, a progress update for Alpha issues has been provided and this can be viewed in the image above.

And finally, for this week's SDK update, WebAssembly support has been made available to enable Flight Simulator partners to port native code over to Microsoft's platform. Here is how this and further improvements have been described in the company's own words:

"As a start, we are focusing on panels and displays support, which are a critical part of high-quality airplane add-ons. We are also providing an initial release of the in-game aircraft editor and are continuously working on documentation, general usability improvements to the existing tools (in particular the scenery and script editors) and general bug fixing."

Stay tuned for news regarding the latest Partnership Series update at the regular time next Thursday, April 16.

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