AdDuplex released its monthly report today, showing Windows usage based on usage of apps that run the AdDuplex SDK v2 or higher on the day of December 27. AdDuplex runs on over 5,000 Microsoft Store apps.
Surprisingly, not much has changed since last month. The Windows 10 October 2018 Update is still off to a really slow start, only installed on 6.6% of Windows 10 devices, up from last month's 2.8%. That all comes out of version 1803's share, which is now at 83.6% instead of 89.5%.
Older versions of Windows 10 have increased in usage as well, which might speak to the accuracy of these numbers. The Fall Creators Update, or version 1709, has increased from 3.9% to 5.7%, the Creators Update has increased from 1.5% to 1.8%, the Anniversary Update remains stagnant at 1.4%, version 1511 has increased from 0.4% to 0.5%, and the original version of the OS remains stagnant at 0.2%.

We can see that the Windows 10 October 2018 Update rollout has been the slowest in the history of Windows 10, despite it now being available for everyone. The feature update has been widely available for a month and a half now, after it was pulled from Windows Update for a month.

Finally, AdDuplex reported on Surface usage, with the Surface Pro 4 once again coming out on top. Rising stars on the list include the Surface Go and Surface Pro 6, with the Surface Laptop 2 still struggling to gain traction. These numbers are always interesting, as while Microsoft has introduced a number of new form factors with Surface, only one has proved to be particularly popular.
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