Microsoft's Games with Gold program is returning in the new year with four more bonus games for Xbox Live Gold and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members.
The January 2022 titles are split into two waves just like always, offering an Xbox One and an Xbox 360 game each. Backward compatibility support ensures all of them are playable on the Xbox One family and the latest generation Xbox Series X|S consoles.
Here are the announced titles, their platforms, and available dates:
Aground: Available January 16 to February 16 (Xbox One)

Survival is only the beginning. The only way for humanity to have a future is to return to the stars and confront them. But, it will require a lot of ingenuity and help to recover everything that was lost, and even that might not be enough...
NeuroVoider: Available January 1 to January 31 (Xbox One)

NeuroVoider is a twin-stick shooter RPG set in a cyber futuristic world about brains shooting around evil robots with nuclear rocket launchers. Battle through the horde of vigilant robots, boost your character with the smoking remains of your victims, and defeat the master NeuroVoider to end this eternal war.
Radiant Silvergun: Available January 1 to January 15 (Xbox 360)

Radiant Silvergun, restored by Treasure, is now available! The shoot ‘em up gameplay that made this a legend remains unchanged, but a hidden "Ikaruga-style" shooting mode gives everyone something new.
Space Invaders Infinity Gene: Available January 16 to January 31 (Xbox 360)

Space Invaders, the game that defined video games for generations, is back with a new twist! The game starts off looking like the classic Space Invaders, but as you play through the game, it evolves. Unlock new stages, new power ups, and new features. The full game features a total of 143 stages from both Normal Mode and the breathtaking Challenge Mode where stages change with each playthrough.
For those who are yet to claim the current December Games with Gold, there is still time left on some of the titles before their free periods expire. This means The Escapists 2, Tropico 5 – Penultimate Edition, and Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet are still up for grabs.